Finally, PERCH! August 1, 2023 PIB pick up
Today we had Lara, Ryan, Gavin & Aubrey perch fishing. Boy, I tell you the kids WAY out fished the adults. Aubrey & Gavin are fishing...
Finally, PERCH! August 1, 2023 PIB pick up
Cedar Point Softball Tournament
7-27-23 Feldman Family
July 11,2023 Bay Fishing Coal Dock
July 22,2023
Head East July 25,2023
June 29 New Zealand second day
June 28, 2023 New Zealand
The Sito Family June 23
June 24 Rocky and his crew
Take me out to the ballpark or lake
June 11, 2023 Bryan crew
June 9th with Capt Bob Finneran
May 30th with Jeff & his dad
Second Day with Wisco guys
5-16-23 Millersburg, Ohio guys
Fishing 5/13/23
April 25, 2023 Cold raining day